FAQ FRIDAY: How to Reschedule Groove & Grow Classes
I registered for an enrichment class but I am unable to attend. Now what?
With the holiday punch card sale and the addition of 6 new Groove & Grow class sections in our recent past - We are getting a million questions about classes from our new families. This week I’m talking about how flexible we’ve made these classes so that YOU the parent can relax and enjoy them too.

FAQ FRIDAY: Who Goes to Music and Art Therapy?
Who participates in music and art therapy group sessions?
At the Sonatina Center, we believe in creating inclusive environments in all of the work that we do. Individuals of all strengths and abilities are welcome in our groups, and often we have unique and diverse group participants which enhance the experience of all participants.

FAQ FRIDAY: Do Enrichment Punch Cards Ever Expire?
Do Enrichment Punch Cards Ever Expire?
This is my favorite question - I get it all the time and I love giving out the answer!

FAQ FRIDAY: Adult Music and Art Therapy Groups
Do you have any support groups for adults?
It is always pretty obvious to new community members that we provide services for children, but not many people are aware that we also see Adults for a wide variety of reasons.

FAQ FRIDAY: What is the difference between Creative Arts Enrichment and Creative Arts Therapy?
What is the difference between Creative Arts Enrichment and Creative Arts Therapy?
At The Sonatina Center, we hear this question a lot! The primary reason is because we are a team of music and art therapists offering individual and group therapy services but we also offer some wonderful enrichment programs so we see how it can get a little confusing to understand which hat we are wearing and when!

FAQ FRIDAY: What Happens in Creative Arts Therapy Groups?
As we prepare for our 2020 Winter Session of Therapy Support groups to get underway, this is a question that I've been asked at least 12 times in the last two weeks, and definitely deserves an answer here.