Music Therapy for Motor Skill Development
Music Therapists have the skill and training to address a really wide variety of therapeutic goals. These could include areas such as communication, social-emotional health, or sensory development. Today, I’m sharing how music therapists address fine and gross motor skills and how that might benefit you or your child.

Our Reopening Plans (By: Marissa Scott)
First of all, thank you so very much for taking the time to share your thoughts, concerns and ideas with us regarding reopening. We have been thinking long and hard about when to reopen and how to do it effectively. Your responses genuinely helped us come to a decision.

Accepting the new "Normal" (By: Marissa Scott)
I mean, how could I know that the next thing on my presentation timeline was going to be a giant black hole called COVID-19 that would suck all of those plans and ideas in and leave us scratching our heads on where to go and what to do next.

How Do I Become a Music Therapist?
Music therapy is still considered a "new" profession in the state of New Hampshire and I am frequently asked about my music therapy credentials by friends, parents, and other allied health professionals. You may or may not have heard about NH House Bill 1286 relative to the licensure of music therapists. As chair of the task for for music therapy advocacy in NH, I’ve been very involved with the process of the bill and one of the initial concerns when the process began was the question of our training and education. Today I'm sharing my personal journey to becoming a music therapist and some general facts about the training and qualifications of a board certified music therapist.

FAQ FRIDAY: How to Reschedule Groove & Grow Classes
I registered for an enrichment class but I am unable to attend. Now what?
With the holiday punch card sale and the addition of 6 new Groove & Grow class sections in our recent past - We are getting a million questions about classes from our new families. This week I’m talking about how flexible we’ve made these classes so that YOU the parent can relax and enjoy them too.

Creative Arts Therapy for Adults
It recently came to my attention that when you look around our website, it is pretty clear that we offer services for children, but it is not as obvious that we offer services for adults. I think one of the reasons for this is that on our Instagram, Facebook, and other social media pages, we share a lot of visual content that depicts children and activities for families. I also share my songs and videos that I use in early childhood enrichment programs frequently, because I know there are a lot of parent readers out there who are paying attention to what I have to say!
Today I want to highlight some of the ways in which we serve adults and I invite you to share these services with the adults in your life who could benefit!

FAQ FRIDAY: Who Goes to Music and Art Therapy?
Who participates in music and art therapy group sessions?
At the Sonatina Center, we believe in creating inclusive environments in all of the work that we do. Individuals of all strengths and abilities are welcome in our groups, and often we have unique and diverse group participants which enhance the experience of all participants.

Why is Spinning Good for Kids?
If you have ever attended a Groove & Grow music class or if your child has participated in a 1:1 music therapy session with me, then you have probably noticed that we frequently use our big gathering drum as a vehicle for spinning. Today I’m here to talk about why we do this! Curious? Read on!

Does Health Insurance Cover Music and Art Therapy Services In New Hampshire?
Health Insurance is a hot topic right now so today I want to give you the 4-1-1 on health insurance coverage for creative art therapies like music therapy and art therapy. Read on to find out if you can be reimbursed for our services!

Grace... Power... Change (By: Marissa Scott)
Throughout our website you may frequently see the image of the dragonfly. You also might have noticed a dragonfly around my neck and the dragonflies on my guitar strap. It's no secret, that I love dragonflies, but what you might not know is why I chose the dragonfly as a symbol to represent the Sonatina Center.

What is (and isn’t) Art Therapy?
Previously, I posted a link to a video put forth by the American Art Therapy Association. In case you didn't see it, my post said this:
"Art therapy is not coloring books or using art and creativity in a standard therapy session. It's a creative process for a client... in safe and confidential setting... in the context of a therapeutic relationship developed over time with a credentialed Art Therapist."
Well... my post got quite a bit of attention which got me thinking about the many misconceptions of Art Therapy that exist and today I'm sharing 3 statements we hear or read frequently that make our heads spin a little bit!

Making Progress (By: Marissa Scott)
It's June and for all of us at The Sonatina Center, that means we are reviewing and documenting the progress our clients have made this quarter on their personal goals in music therapy and in art therapy. We do this by writing quarterly progress notes that outline some of the accomplishments we've seen our clients achieve in the last three months and identifying areas of need to focus on as we move forward. Today I'm going to take you through the process I go through when writing progress notes for my music therapy clients.

Understanding Music Therapy Goals (By: Marissa Scott)
Today I'd like to take you through the process of and explain the what, how, and why of writing music therapy goals. If you are wondering what you should expect from your music therapist when it comes to goal setting, then read on!

3 Ways Music Therapy Will Benefit Your Non-Verbal Child (By: Marissa Scott)
Making people more aware of the music therapy profession is a big part of my work as a music therapist. Today I'm talking about how music therapy will benefit your non-verbal child. In my work at The Sonatina Center, I have worked with many non-verbal children, some who learn to verbally communicate and some who learn to communicate in other ways. All of these children have benefited from their experience with a music therapist.

Music Helps Through Tough Transitions (By: Marissa Scott)
Here are a few ways that music can reduce your child's struggles through transitions like waking up, arriving, leaving, waiting, changing activities or changes to the day-to-day and even week-to-week routine.

I am so excited to share our knowledge and expertise with you... bringing the therapeutic aspects of play, art, music, imagination and most importantly creativity into your life.
Before we get started, there are TWO IMPORTANT THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW...