Our Reopening Plans (By: Marissa Scott)
First of all, thank you so very much for taking the time to share your thoughts, concerns and ideas with us regarding reopening. We have been thinking long and hard about when to reopen and how to do it effectively. Your responses genuinely helped us come to a decision.

Black Lives Matter.
We are outraged and heartbroken over the murder of George Floyd and the hundreds of other innocent black men and women killed by police. We are appalled by the ongoing and unchecked racism and systematic oppression that is visible everywhere in our nation.

Grace... Power... Change (By: Marissa Scott)
Throughout our website you may frequently see the image of the dragonfly. You also might have noticed a dragonfly around my neck and the dragonflies on my guitar strap. It's no secret, that I love dragonflies, but what you might not know is why I chose the dragonfly as a symbol to represent the Sonatina Center.

I am so excited to share our knowledge and expertise with you... bringing the therapeutic aspects of play, art, music, imagination and most importantly creativity into your life.
Before we get started, there are TWO IMPORTANT THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW...