Singable Books for Kids
If you’ve tuned into any of our live videos in the past several weeks, you’ll notice that at The Sonatina Center, we LOVE singable story books. We love them for many reasons, for the concepts they teach, the imagery, and the beautiful songs that accompany them to name a few!

Behind the Scenes: Virtual Music Classes
COVID-19 has changed the way we all do things, and at The Sonatina Center, that means we’re doing virtually everything virtually! We’re doing music enrichment via Google Hangouts Meet, Facebook Live, and the entire team is doing remote teletherapy from our homes. That means our homes are now partially music therapy studios, which can take some finagling!

Makin’ Lemonade: Music and Art Teletherapy (By: Cacia King)
For those of you who know Team Sonatina, you know that we’re creative and aren’t ones to sit still! When we saw how things were progressing in our community with COVID-19, we immediately sprung into action.

The First Stage of Therapy: Getting to Know Your Therapist
When any new relationship starts, there is always that “getting to know you” stage, which can be fun, maybe awkward, but vital to any relationship! In therapy, this “getting to know you” stage is very important to the therapeutic relationship and helps therapists build rapport with the client.