Marissa Scott, MA, MT-bC, CLd
Owner & Executive Director Board-Certified Music Therapist Certified Labor Doula
Ages I Work With: Infants, Toddlers, Preschool & Elementary Aged Children.
I’m Passionate About Helping:
Little kids with BIG feelings
Kids working on developmental goals in areas like communication, attention, cognition, behavior, motor and social skills.
Therapy doesn’t always mean something needs to be fixed. Therapy highlights a person’s existing strengths and inner awesomeness.
The arts can provide both a container and an infinite universe for self-expression.
The power of music, art, dance, and play combined with lived experience is what connects us as humans.
Relationships are complex and hard work but as human beings we need a high level of interdependence in order to survive.
i believe…
Be spontaneous, silly, and very playful.
Emphasize autonomy by giving my clients opportunities to choose experiences, create their own goals, and maintain control when they feel unsafe.
Write A LOT of songs in the moment to meet my clients where they’re at and mirror what they are communicating to me.
Incorporate art, dance, and other modalities to complement and enhance what we’re doing musically.
Hello! I’m Marissa. I’m a cisgender white female who uses she/her pronouns and I’m the Owner and Executive Director of The Sonatina Center. I believe that every individual should embrace their unique identity, but I know it’s not always that easy. I have been helping children and families journey through life’s challenges for over fifteen years.
I received my undergraduate education in music theory, composition, and history from the University of New Hampshire and my Master’s degree in Music Therapy and Mental Health Counseling from Lesley University. I became board certified as a music therapist in August 2010. I have completed several trainings in trauma-informed practice, and music therapy for prenatal, pregnancy, and the postpartum periods and incorporate these into my work as a music therapist.
I’m a mom to four amazing sons who keep me on my toes. I love reading, camping, and hiking but most of all running. I recently ran my second marathon which took place in the Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island in Maine.
MA: Master of Arts
MT-BC: Board-Certified Music Therapist
CLD: Certified Labor Doula
As a music therapist, I identify strongly with a combination of family systems theory and culture-centered theory focusing on the interactions between family members of my clients and the contexts in which the family is embedded as well as on how my clients identify themselves and create and receive cultural meanings in the context of social systems. I believe that relationships are complex and hard work but that as human beings we need a high level of interdependence in order to thrive.